Drain Tools - Renting a Power Auger

   Electric snakes spin a length of flexible cable through your drain lines to clear away clogs. If the problem is beyond reach of a short hand auger, rent a 25-foot electric snake (bottom part of photo ).
   If several fixtures won't drain, the clog is probably in the main sewer line. You'll need to hire a drain service or rent a power auger (top ). This powerful contraption can unclog just about any drain. It can even be fitted with a reaming head that will cut roots growing in your sewer line. Many units have a power feed to advance the snake into the sewer and pull it back. Some have a snake that comes in sections, so make sure you understand how they connect.


   Large power augers are more dangerous than you might imagine. Perhaps the greatest danger is the risk of getting wound up in slack cable. Place the auger as close to the cleanout as possible, but never more than two feet away so there won't be much exposed cable. Make sure you rent a machine with a foot-activated switch so you can shut it off without a free hand.

Safety-related resources on the Web:
Index of Occupational Safety and Health Resources (http://turva.me.tut.fi/~oshweb/)
National Safety Council (http://www.national-safety-council.ie/)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/homepage.html)
Other safety Web sites